Destination Branding: A Look at National and Regional Brands

September 03, 2013

  Today, we’re concluding a multi-week look at destination branding. So far, we’ve looked at city, state and country branding. This post will round out our series by focusing on national and regional brands. Since we’ve been covering destinations where we have offices, today’s focus will be on the U.S., Europe and Asia (and the […]

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Destination Branding: A Spotlight on Cities Around The World (Part Two)

August 08, 2013

  On Tuesday, we started a series on destination branding by looking at Charlotte, Munich and New York. Let’s recap – Last year, more than one billion tourists travelled the world and five to six billion more were expected to have travelled within their own countries. With stats like that, a successful tourism brand could […]

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Destination Branding: A Spotlight on Cities Around The World

August 06, 2013

Confession: I absolutely love to travel. When I discover a new place and am able to soak in its secrets and beauty, something in me awakens. Because of this, I’ve always been drawn to travel and tourism branding/marketing/PR. Studying how destinations differentiate themselves fascinates me.   2012 was a milestone year for tourism – For […]

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