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Brains Behind the Brands with Brittany Scott, Creative Director

April 04, 2017

We’re excited to introduce a new Brand Salsa series, “Brains Behind the Brands,” In each edition of the series, we will be shining the spotlight on one of our brand experts and getting their thoughts on a range of topics, from new trends in the branding industry to advice they’d give someone working on building their brand.

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Teaching an Old Dog New Tricks – Why Branding Isn’t Just for New Businesses

March 30, 2017

Just because you’re an older organization that came to fruition before strategic brand building was commonplace doesn’t mean you’ve missed the boat. If your brand needs a refresh or a restart, don’t feel as if the latest and greatest branding techniques are only left to the upstarts and newcomers. Let’s explore three reasons why branding is important for the established organizations in the business world.

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How We Answer the Question: “Why Branding?”

March 28, 2017

Creating and growing any business is a process that can take large amounts of time and energy to achieve – that’s a given. So why not spend some of that time and energy to create something that will work for you even after it is launched? It’s a question we hear all of the time – “why do I need to create a brand? Why branding?” To me, the best way to answer this question is with a new question “What is branding?”

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March Madness: When Even the Floor is Branded

March 15, 2017

There’s one branded element that may hold the title as the most watched and most overlooked branding of the entire event – the actual floors on which the games are played. Yes, March Madness branding is so all-encompassing that even the very playing surfaces are incorporated into the overall brand profile and given a high level of attention to ensure they are both brand compliant but also provide their own unique addition to the visual branding.

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Becoming a Tradition-Synonymous Brand

November 22, 2016

Over the years, brands have attached themselves to and eventually become synonymous with a holiday tradition. They’ve reached outside of their usual consumer audience and established brand equity with a portion of the marketplace with little to no brand knowledge outside of the name association. In doing so, they did something no advertising or marketing campaign could do – they became connected to tradition.

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Oh The Places Your Logo Will Go: Unexpected Mediums that Must be Considered in Visual Branding

November 03, 2016

When working through the visual branding process, especially in logo design, there are a few obvious places the logo will need to be displayed, such as office signage, business cards and websites/social media platforms. But it’s not enough to simply perform in the usual logo locations – in today’s increasingly diverse mediums in which logos will be deployed, logos must perform as they are needed, no matter the new and unexpected places they might be found.

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Age is Just a Number: 5 Ways Established Brands Can Stay Young

October 17, 2016

There are few things worse for a company’s image than to be seen as one that believes they can connect with today’s consumers, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary. So how do you ensure that your brand takes the right path to stay relevant and modern? Here are five ways that established brands can prove that age is just a number…

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The Big Transition: What to Do with Your Brand Following a Merger or Acquisition

October 13, 2016

Far too often a brand strategy is overlooked in the M&A process, or brought to the table too late to have an impact in anything except final implementation. Whenever it happens, it is important to develop a communication plan that addresses both internal and external audiences. This plan should break down the individual audiences in detail and outline what they should know and when, including the appropriate verbal and visual brand implementation for each instance.

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