How to Make Your Brand Stand Out in a Crowd

June 30, 2016

On a hot Monday afternoon, July 4th, 2016, competitors will gather at the boardwalk on Coney Island in Brooklyn, N.Y. to compete in one of the most famous Indepedence Day traditions around – the Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest. Now, despite what some may think of the contest itself, there is little doubt the impact it has had on the Nathan’s Famous Hot Dog brand. That’s right – a brand was able to build an entire branding strategy off of a competitive eating contest. How did they do it?

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Addison Whitney Brand Fanatics Recap and Analyze Brand Impacts from Super Bowl Ads

February 08, 2016

The Super Bowl. Not only the biggest football game of the year, it’s also the biggest game in the advertising world. Many millions of dollars are spent on the annual event, which puts even more pressure on the created ads to push the needle for their brands. And with a night full of high-profile brand decisions, we knew that time needed to be spent analyzing the commercials and the brands behind them – so on the Monday following the big game, our Addison Whitney brand fanatics gathered to do just that.

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4 Ways Content Marketing Can Help Build Your Brand

September 03, 2015

Content marketing and branding should go hand-in-hand. However, there is often a disconnect between a brand strategy and the strategy around content creation. How can we bridge the gap between the two? Here are four ways content marketing can help build your brand.

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Brand Collaborations: The Innovative Movement in Branding

June 18, 2014

Brand Collaborations: The Innovative Movement in Branding Guest Blogger: Lindsey Freedman Google Glass & Diane von Furstenberg, Starbucks & Duracell, Hershey & Betty Crocker, are all examples of popular brand collaborations. As discussed in our previous post on Fitbit and Tory Burch, brand collaborations are occurring more because of the potential effects on brand equity and expanding […]

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Real-Time Marketing: Making It Work For Pharma Branders

May 22, 2014

Real-Time Marketing: Making It Work For Pharma Branders Let’s start by creating a baseline for this topic. What is real-time marketing (RTM)? Of all the attempts to define this marketing strategy, a blog post from Evergage sums it up quite nicely: RTM is “…the practice of brands engaging their audience via content, advertising, and product […]

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Is Brand Power Waning? (Part One)

May 13, 2014

Is Brand Power Waning? (Part One) Guest Blogger: Ashley Wiederhold An article in The New Yorker has raised some interesting questions: Despite all of the money, time, and energy that businesses invest in their brands, is brand power a thing of the past? Is the influence of a positive, strong brand waning? The argument put […]

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Fitbit, meet Tory Burch. Tory Burch, meet Fitbit…?

May 08, 2014

Fitbit, meet Tory Burch. Tory Burch, meet Fitbit…?   More and more, companies are partnering to bring products and services to consumers that cross socioeconomic, demographic and psychographic lines. Sometimes, bringing two companies together not only reaches a larger audience, but it exponentially builds their brands. Think Apple and Nike, Eddie Bauer and Ford, The […]

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